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Garage Makeover Miami by Premier garage cabinets

homespire remodeling group

This project included the addition of a bedroom, bathroom and laundry room. The garage floor was elevated to the same level of the main floor. This allowed electrical conduits and plumbing to be moved without affecting the main level. The interior of the new room was finished with hardwood floors that matched the foyer. Other tasks included framing the room, drywall, windows and installing plumbing fixtures. The result was a spectacular new space for a busy Miami family.

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Can I rent a dumpster?

After completing a home renovation, you can rent an dumpster. Renting a dumpster will help you keep your yard clear of debris and trash.

How much does it set you back to renovate your house?

Renovations typically cost anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000. Renovations typically cost homeowners between $10,000 and $20,000

How should home renovations take place?

You must decide where everything will go when you renovate your home. If you're planning on selling your home soon, it is important to consider how you wish to present your home for potential buyers. The design of your living room, bathroom, and kitchen should be the first thing you think about. After you've decided on the rooms that you wish to renovate, it is time to start searching for contractors who are experts in these areas. Once you have hired contractors, you can start working on your remodeling project.

How long does it usually take to renovate your home?

It depends on how large the project is, and how long you spend on it each day. The average homeowner spends between three to six hours per week on the project.

Do you prefer to hire a general contractor, or a subcontractor for your project?

Hiring a general contract is typically more costly than hiring subcontractors. General contractors often have many employees and charge clients high labor costs. Subcontractors, on the contrary, hire one employee and charge less per hour.

How do you make a house look new?

These are the steps to follow when renovating your house without spending a lot of money.

  1. Create a budget plan
  2. Learn what materials are needed
  3. Decide where you want them to go
  4. Make a list of things you need to buy
  5. Find out how much money your have
  6. Plan your renovation project
  7. Start to work on your plans
  8. Do some online research
  9. Ask family members and friends for help
  10. Get creative!


  • Most lenders will lend you up to 75% or 80% of the appraised value of your home, but some will go higher. (kiplinger.com)
  • It is advisable, however, to have a contingency of 10–20 per cent to allow for the unexpected expenses that can arise when renovating older homes. (realhomes.com)
  • Rather, allot 10% to 15% for a contingency fund to pay for unexpected construction issues. (kiplinger.com)
  • A final payment of, say, 5% to 10% will be due when the space is livable and usable (your contract probably will say "substantial completion"). (kiplinger.com)
  • On jumbo loans of more than $636,150, you'll be able to borrow up to 80% of the home's completed value. (kiplinger.com)

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How To

Five Things You Need to Know Before You Begin Your Home Renovation

  1. Do you really want this? - If you're going to start a major home improvement project like renovating your kitchen, bathroom or even building a new house, there's no doubt that you'll need some help along the way. But if you don't feel confident enough to tackle such a large task alone, then you might want to reconsider doing so. It will take up much of your time and money. There won't be any real benefits. Instead, why not hire someone who knows what they're doing to help out? These people will save you time, stress, and provide a beautiful place to live in.
  2. How much should I spend? This may seem obvious but it could make things worse if you spend too much on your renovation project. Because you will likely end up paying most of the costs back at the conclusion of the day. If you have a budget in place, stick with it. You could wind up spending a lot and not getting any return.
  3. Do I prefer to hire professionals or DIY? - While there is no right or wrong answer, we recommend that you hire professional tradespeople if possible. Their advice will be invaluable in helping you decide how to proceed. They'll install your plumbing correctly, provide a warranty, and ensure everything goes according to plan. DIY projects require lots of trial and errors, which can mean you'll have many lessons to learn. Additionally, you will have to deal all manner of problems that can arise along the way.
  4. How much can I afford it? - Don’t underestimate the cost associated with a home renovation. Even if your budget is tight, you may need to borrow money to cover costs. You should also consider the cost of selling your property if you plan to move soon after the renovations are completed.
  5. How do I begin? There is no wrong or right place to start when it comes time to choose where to begin. We suggest you choose something you like to do. It will motivate you to work harder and reduce procrastination. Also, try to avoid places that require a lot of maintenance. If your living area is constantly cluttered with dust and dirt, you should not attempt to redesign it.


Garage Makeover Miami by Premier garage cabinets