× Bathroom Remodeling Tips
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Bathroom Remodel before and after

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Before I started my bathroom renovation, I was worried that I wouldn't have the funds to make it beautiful. In addition to that, I had never painted my walls. This led to a lot of stress and a lot of wasted time. I was surprised to discover that there were so numerous DIY kits for bathroom remodeling that I didn’t know where or how to begin. I decided to start with the basics and go from there. Here's my before and afterwards story!

These are my top picks for before-and-afters. The first one is a spectacular transformation of the bathroom. The designers ripped out half of the tub and replaced it with a classic pedestal tub. The room now has more space. The floor and wall patterns were also changed from dark to light. This increases the natural light in the room. This is the kind of bathroom I want in my house! The new bathroom is a great space to relax.

patio makeovers on a budget

This was the result of adding a soak tub to the guest tub, and then removing the old bathtub and installing a jacuzzi tub. I gave the room a completely new look by using three different types and installing a shower. I love the large tub and the patterned tile in it. It has a modern look and a clean, sleek design.

The homeowners' bathroom was in need of an upgrade and were not sure what they could do. The original 1980s bathtub needed to go. To remedy the limited space, they removed the bathtub and installed a shower cubicle. This option is great for a small bathroom. They then replaced the vanity with an his/hers vanity that included two mirrors. Then they installed adequate lighting. They made the space feel larger and more inviting with these new elements.

After the initial design, Lauren made changes in her bathroom to make it more comfortable. Lauren added a combination-light to the vanity to give it more light. She also replaced the faucet, which was easier and improved the bathroom's ventilation. She also installed a heated towel bar, which improved the temperature of her towels. The best way to make your bathroom look new is to change the bathroom's plumbing fixtures.

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The bathroom is elegant and classy. It doesn't have a generic or overblown appearance. It's all about the design details. The vanity color looks better in the finished space than it did when it was painted. The new tile is gorgeous and the artwork works well in the space. Changing the shower curtain is the perfect solution for this bathroom's drab look. The finished product will be a delight!

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Can I rent a dumpster?

You can rent a dumpster for debris removal after your home renovation. Renting a dumpster to dispose of your trash is a great option.

Are permits necessary to renovate my property?

Permits are required before you can start any home improvement project. In most cases you will need to have a building permit along with a plumber's permit. A zoning permit may be required depending on what type of construction you are doing.

How do I sell my house quickly without paying realtor fees?

Start looking for buyers right away if your goal is to sell quickly. This means you need to be open to any offer the buyer makes. If you wait too long you might lose out on potential buyers.

How do I choose the right contractor?

When choosing a contractor, ask friends and family members for recommendations. Online reviews are also a good option. Make sure that the contractor you choose has experience in the area of construction that you are interested in. Request references and make sure to verify them.

How can you avoid being ripped off during renovations to your house?

To avoid being scammed, it is essential to fully understand the terms of your contract. It is important to carefully read all terms and conditions before signing any contract. Don't sign any contracts that aren't complete. Always ask for a copy of the signed contract.

How much does it cost for a house to be renovated?

Renovations usually cost between $5,000 and $50,000. Renovations typically cost homeowners between $10,000 and $20,000

What should I do before renovating a home?

Clean out your home and get rid of all clutter. You will need to clean out all moldy areas and repair any leaky pipes. Finally, you'll need to repaint the interior. Finally, you will need to wash the exterior surfaces clean and paint.


  • Rather, allot 10% to 15% for a contingency fund to pay for unexpected construction issues. (kiplinger.com)
  • It is advisable, however, to have a contingency of 10–20 per cent to allow for the unexpected expenses that can arise when renovating older homes. (realhomes.com)
  • Most lenders will lend you up to 75% or 80% of the appraised value of your home, but some will go higher. (kiplinger.com)
  • Design-builders may ask for a down payment of up to 25% or 33% of the job cost, says the NARI. (kiplinger.com)
  • A final payment of, say, 5% to 10% will be due when the space is livable and usable (your contract probably will say "substantial completion"). (kiplinger.com)

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How To

What amount should I spend to restore my old house?

The cost to renovate your home will vary depending on how many rooms are being renovated, which type of renovations you do, where you reside, and whether or not you are hiring professionals. Depending on the scope and size of the project, the average renovation cost is between $10,000 and $50,000.

You'll probably get less than the market value of your home if you don’t include the cost of repairs, upgrades and other improvements. You could lose money if the home is not maintained in a good condition before selling. On the other side, if your home is in a good condition, you can get more money if you put in the effort.

These factors will help you choose which projects to start first.

  • Your budget. Begin small if your budget is limited. One room can be tackled at a time such as painting walls or changing flooring. Or you can hire a contractor who specializes in kitchen remodeling to make some major changes without spending a lot of cash.
  • Your priorities. You decide what you are going to do with your home. You should not limit your efforts to one problem. Even minor problems can quickly add up. For instance, if your roof leaks every time it rains, you might end up having to replace it sooner rather than later.
  • Your timeline. Consider your timeline. If you're considering buying a property next year and want hardwood floors installed or new bathroom fixtures, then you won't want them to be done right away. These updates might be best left until you are ready to move out of your current house.
  • Your skills. If you are unable to do a certain task, get someone else to do it. If your carpentry skills don't allow you to build custom cabinets, then it might be possible to hire a cabinetmaker to help you.


Bathroom Remodel before and after